Learning Double Unders

Learning how to jump rope and get those double unders
May 4, 2023
Learning Double Unders

The double under (jumping rope where the rope makes two passes per jump instead of just one) was the most frustrating movement for me to learn when I started CrossFit. The whip marks, finishing way after everyone else in the workout, and the mental beat down after all those attempts… ugh. I tried different jump ropes thinking that there must be a “magic” rope. But what it all came down to was…
practice, practice, practice.

The only real way to learn something is to get out there and do it. And do it over and over until you get it right. Like most movements in CrossFit, it takes repetition to finally make it click!

Here are a few tips as you’re working on them:

There are many types of handles, rope weights, and rope widths. Don’t overcomplicate it - but if you have any questions, just ask your coaches!

Schedule a few personal training sessions with one of the coaches and have them film you jumping rope. With a few sessions of focused attention, you will greatly improve your skill of jumping rope.

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